I DON'T FEAR CHANGE - MC Stewart Homes
(978) 799-4691 mcstewart@kw.com

The Conference

I attended a Zillow conference in 2017 and participated in Dear World which is an initiative that includes an award-winning series of photos, videos and keynote speeches seeking to connect people through their stories. When I was asked to write something about myself that is meaningful for my everyday life I wrote: I don’t fear change. Who knew only a few years later those words would be tested not only for me, but for the world.

Working and the Pandemic

For most of us we are in unchartered territory trying to navigate life during the coronavirus pandemic. When the pandemic started there was fear that I know I share with many people in many professions, how am I going to work? I have learned that I can adapt and my clients have been flexible and we are able to still buy and sell homes even with all the craziness that has been 2020. There are of course changes in how we are able to do business and I will discuss some of the challenges and how we are overcoming them.


Since the coronavirus pandemic started one of the biggest changes that has impacted how we would typically do business is scheduling. We have seen restrictions on open houses and even how many people can enter a house at a showing appointment. I sit outside my open houses and bring potential buyers in one by one in order to maintain social distance and avoid having too many people in a home at once. Every listing agent has their own set of rules for scheduling a home showing so we work with them. Although we are not able to have those big open houses, we are still able to have people show their homes to potential buyers in ways that keeps everyone safe.

Masks and Sanitizer

Historically whether I am listing a home or bringing in potential buyers I have always been very conscientious of not disturbing a person’s home and being respectful of the clients’ personal property.  During this pandemic we have all definitely had to adjust to increased safety precautions, wearing masks during home visits and when meeting with clients.  I also use other tools to help ensure that both the buyers and sellers are as safe as possible, not only using masks but sanitizer, gloves and shoe coverings.

Balancing family and work schedules

From what I have experienced it has been a challenge for most families to balance remote learning and work.  My children are on a hybrid schedule, so that means some days at school and some days remote.  Thankfully my family has stepped up to the plate and really supported each other and been flexible with how we are going to manage some days when it is hectic. I think some of that positivity comes from being able to wear their pjs all day. I am so grateful that I have also been able to rely on help from my extended family and friends. It has never been more clear to me that it takes a village.

Contact Me

Please feel free to contact me any time at (978) 799-4691 or info@mcstewart.com for any questions,. Thanks for getting to know me a little bit, I look forward to getting to know you.

And most importantly welcome home.